
The identity wallet for web3

eidWallet your digital wallet.


Decentralized electronic identity

Using Soulbound tokens eidWallet decentralizes the electronic identity on the blockchain without any centralized, controlled, trusted authority.


Decentralized eKYC

Soulbound tokens offer a new standardized, decentralized, and more secure KYC system for web3.


Global Coverage

Supports any electronic identity card and any
passport compliant with ICAO specifications.


Drastic reduction of identity theft

proprietary DCIS (double-check identification system)
• NFC scanning the electronic identity documents
• Face recognition + Presentation Attack Detection


Passive liveness detection

AI detects the features of an attack by clearly
distinguish between the face of a live person from a fake
or deepfake face, without asking for any user activity.


Here you can find the main features.


Frictionless user experience: An easier and frictionless user experience allows everybody to use the eidWallet with less than a 1% abandon rate

Every time an app or website asks us to create a new digital identity or to easily log on via a big platform, we have no idea what happens to our data in reality.

That is why the Commission will propose a secure European e-identity. One that we trust and that any citizen can use anywhere in Europe to do anything from paying taxes to renting a bicycle. 

A technology where we can control ourselves what data is used and how.

Ursula Von Der Leyen

President of the European Commission, 16 September 2020

eidWallet is perfectly compliant with European specifications


Users must have an independent existence.


Users must control their identities.


Users must have access to their own data.


System and algorithm must be transparent


Identities must be long-lived as long as user wishes


Information and services about identity must be transparent


Identities should be as widely usable as possible


User must agree to the use of their identity

some types of Soulbound tokens

Scalable and modular architecture

The eidwallet modules are platform-independent and can be hosted or installed on cloud or on-premises in the customer's infrastructure.


Ready to elevate your business to new heights? Let's connect and explore the possibilities together! Reach out to us now for a personalized consultation.


+39 081 057 7879


Via Solimena 93, NA

Working Hours

10:00 - 19:00

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